Mom Lays Twins Side By Side And They Have Her Running For The Camera


Who doesn’t like having children in and around the home? They’re a great reminder of how there’s something new to learn every single day; they also keep people from aging too soon! Their fresh sprout of energy keeps everyone around the house feeling lively.

There’s plenty of laughter, crying, clattering, chewing, teething and babbling to go around. And, if you’ve ever been a parent, you know that there’s nothing you’d change about this — especially the babbling.
When a baby babbles, it’s his or her surefire attempt at having a conversation. Maybe they’re really trying to get a point across; it’s a different story that we adults can’t quite understand what it is that they’re trying to say. What helps them with this process is if they have a twin.


We often see babies, especially twins, babbling away with one another in what seems like a very well-thought-out conversation. Doctors believe that this conversational behavior, especially in twins, is worth paying attention to. It’s a way for the two of them to build and understand conversations and language. They may not be making much sense to us, or even themselves, but that fact that they’re going back and forth in a question-answer like manner, says a lot about the skills they’re picking up.


Well, while the infants are picking up their conversational skills in this clip, mom decides it’s an ideal moment to pick up her camera and record how her babies are communicating. Boy, are we glad she did!

Watch the cute video below!


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